Friday 3 April 2015

Friday 3rd April 2015

Today was a good day.

Got up this morning went to the hospital for a catch up, always interesting going back there but always nice too. Found out it was national autism awareness day today which was interesting.

After that got home did some work on laptop then decided to go out into the town and look for jobs, looking at bar / pub work just now as quick starting. Went to a few pubs and gave in my CV so see what comes back from that. Never worked in a bar but think I would be OK at it. Got an email back from Revolution bar asking to go for a trial this evening which was good.

On the book front today managed to get my Kickstarter account set up which was good, this is hopefully going to lead to funding for the project. Ive heard its a good website so hopefully get what I need out of it, Ive signed up to a few other crowdfunding websites too though.

Got home watched a few videos online then went to the trial at the bar, was fine, just basics like clearing away glasses etc, so was fine and seemed like a good bunch of people. Hoping to get something nailed down soon, got another interview on Monday at a local bar and put in a few CVs to various places so see what happens. End of the day the pays OK along with tips and should top up my income from my freelance marketing and books work nicely.

Home from that bit of dinner now writing this and watching TV, going to watch a video in bed and a busy day tomorrow with football etc. Will update then.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Thursday 2nd April 2015

Today has been a good day with lots of positives.

Got up this morning and went along to a local care companies recruitment day, it was really good and was offered a position on the spot, so I'm now on their relief team pool, basically means they will phone me up and offer me shifts and I can take them or not, good hourly rate so if I can get some hours in there that will be good, aiming for about 20 hours a week just now with other work going on. Was pleased to be offered a job and I know Ill enjoy it too, good they were so proactive with their recruitment and quick to offer the job.

Went into town after that and did some reading of my book, its good trying to apply the rules from it, it basically says you can turn anything you do into a money making opportunity using your skill set, so Ive been working through that, I made a list today of all my skills / assets I could put to financial use, was fun and was happy with what I wrote down.

Got home decided to do a bit of a clearout of my bedroom, Im pretty sure Ill be moving out soon so need to start moving stuff out, Im going to give a lot of clothes and things I don't need to the local charity shop, always a good thing to do. Im going to be ruthless when clearing out the flat for the new people moving in, think you have to really.

Had a nice tea then sat down to applying for more jobs, Im keen on bar work at the moment, got some interviews next week locally, never done it before but Im a friendly person so sure I could do it. There are a few bars locally looking for staff so Im sure Ill get something out of that. Im happy to let the book project run itself for now and see where it goes, and get some shift work in care / bar work to get some money in the meantime, also picking up any freelance writing projects as I go along.

Ive pretty much decided on a move to Manchester area in the next couple of weeks, Im going to move down to my grandmas house for a while to get started, I have emailed some recruitment companies I have had previous contact with to see if they know of anything. But Im happy to move and see what happens, no major rush to get a job but I will once Im there, Ive been to Manchester before its an exciting city and I can always do freelance work / projects to start off with when Im there too from my laptop, also staying with grandma will be low cost / overheads which will be good to get settled in and see where things go from there.

So overall a busy but productive day on a few fronts, just sitting writing this now. Will update tomorrow.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Wednesday 1st April 2015

Today has been a good day with some good meetings and developments.

This morning I got up and went to meet Ross Dundas of The Wishing Tree, this looks like a really good connection, with the discussion of future marketing / design work from local clients, this would be something I would be interested in doing freelance, we also had a good chat about some work Ill be doing for the company directly in terms of PR and marketing which should be good, we also did a photo shoot and interview of me donating my laptop to the project, this Im happy to do in return for PR / advertising of my business.

Came home after that did some work at home, catching up on emails etc, got some good replies from businesses from yesterdays meeting, looks like some good leads there, I was going to be doing some PR work for one of the businesses today but she said my rates were too high for her, so may have to reconsider. I am good at what I do but maybe need to go in a bit lower to begin with to get things going as don't want to put people off just because of money, Id rather charge lower rates and get regular clients through the door.

Dad came around for a bit which was nice then dinner and cinema, watching a video in between of how to promote a Kindle ebook online, which I got sent by a contact from yesterday, was interesting. I know I need to do more to promote this, I did put it onto a website called Smashwords which looked good, also Kickstarter which I found today, however I need a number from the bank to take that further. I think once I get the funding I need for the project things will really take off, then I can get the book properly published and marketed / distributed throughout the US / UK, which will be good.

Tonight I went to the cinema and now just writing this, tomorrow Ive got recruitment events where Im looking at / hoping to get a job, however I think in the future another option would be to move down to Manchester area with my Grandma, I quite fancy a change of scenery and Manchester would be good for my line of work / marketing jobs etc. This would be an easy enough move as we're leasing out this flat here in Aberdeen so would be free to move after we get that sorted out, and would be able to stay with Grandma so would be cheap accommodation until I find work down there.

So overall a busy day and now just going to read my book and go to bed. Will update tomorrow.