Friday 3 April 2015

Friday 3rd April 2015

Today was a good day.

Got up this morning went to the hospital for a catch up, always interesting going back there but always nice too. Found out it was national autism awareness day today which was interesting.

After that got home did some work on laptop then decided to go out into the town and look for jobs, looking at bar / pub work just now as quick starting. Went to a few pubs and gave in my CV so see what comes back from that. Never worked in a bar but think I would be OK at it. Got an email back from Revolution bar asking to go for a trial this evening which was good.

On the book front today managed to get my Kickstarter account set up which was good, this is hopefully going to lead to funding for the project. Ive heard its a good website so hopefully get what I need out of it, Ive signed up to a few other crowdfunding websites too though.

Got home watched a few videos online then went to the trial at the bar, was fine, just basics like clearing away glasses etc, so was fine and seemed like a good bunch of people. Hoping to get something nailed down soon, got another interview on Monday at a local bar and put in a few CVs to various places so see what happens. End of the day the pays OK along with tips and should top up my income from my freelance marketing and books work nicely.

Home from that bit of dinner now writing this and watching TV, going to watch a video in bed and a busy day tomorrow with football etc. Will update then.

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