Tuesday 31 March 2015

Tuesday 31st March 2015

Today has been a productive and busy day on the work front.

Did some work this morning at home, answering various emails and messages on Twitter etc, never ceases to amaze me how long this takes to do. Making some good connections online though for funding for my book production which was good.

Went off to the Wishing Tree event this afternoon, was really good and made some good connections, also got some really good input and feedback about my projects from the other business professionals, some good ideas and suggestions including developing my website and social media / videos and blog to make it seem more slick / professional, I knew this was something I wanted to do anyway this year. I would like to have my website looking like e.g. Paul McKenna / Joseph Clough, people I admire online, with some really professional looking videos etc. However this is something Im working on in time, I was also recommended to look at social media in more depth, to advertise my writing services online, this is something I will do and I took a lot away from the session.

My next step is to continue looking for funding to publish and market my first book, this is something Im working on this week, I have made a few connections in the local business community this week s see what happens there. I know I can get it I just need to find the right contact. Then I will be able to get the publisher in America to do their work and get the book out there, which will be good.

Another key bit of input today was to work on building my personal brand first in terms of my reputation as a freelance writer / author, and work on my books on the side for now. This was really good advice and one I intend to do, I knew this was the case anyway but good to get the professional input. I made some good contacts today though and with a view to some freelance work / projects, which will be good for experience. A lady I spoke to spoke about developing your own brand name and reputation first, and other projects second, all good advice.

Home bit of dinner now just watching the football and writing this. I also today put my flat into the hands of the solicitors so see what happens there, I am considering a move away from Aberdeen this year, possibly Edinburgh. So it will be good to get the flat sorted as soon as possible to take this off me and Matthews minds. Will update tomorrow, Ive got a fairly busy day with meetings in town and other things.

Monday 30 March 2015

Monday 30th March 2015

Today has been fine, not a huge amount to report but was OK.

Slept till around lunchtime off and on, must have been tired after a busy weekend with Thomas, did some work in bed then got up around 2 when Thomas left. Did some work on my website today, got recommended some good applications to try and encourage book downloads so installed them onto the website and updated some pages etc, also answered emails and a few other odd jobs.

Went to the gym this afternoon and for a swim / jacuzzi which is always nice, good to keep fit and I enjoy it. Went into town after to buy a new book by Paul McKenna called I Can Make You Rich, looks good so far, I have read some of this books before and they are good. Im not obsessed with money but do believe it gives you options in life, and can help finance things you want in the future. For me at the moment I am interested in a move away from this flat, possibly to London or Edinburgh, so need money to help finance that, I know I can rent this flat but will need some money to get started when I move as a basis, so need to focus on getting some in the coming weeks. Im aiming to have moved by April / May time, so will see what happens. I think there are more options for what I want to do in Edinburgh or London, and better transport links / media outlets etc. Ive always fancied a move there so seems like a good time with things coming to a head with the flat here, but I would keep this flat as an investment for the future, we can rent through the solicitors and its always here if I need to come back in the future, I just think its good to make a change sometimes and make a fresh start.

Got home did some more work on laptop, looking at my calendar Ive got meetings this week in Aberdeen, interested to see what this Wishing Trees all about, have been speaking to the man in charge Ross who seems OK but am wary of it, will see what its about tomorrow anyway. Could lead to some future business opportunities which would be good, if I am moving away I plan to run my freelance marketing / writing business through my laptop remotely, this is easy enough done with internet access wherever I am. I could always work in a bar or similar if it comes to it for a start, to get things started wherever I move to, think it will be Edinburgh for a start but will see.

Tonight Im just writing this and reading my new book, interested to see if it works / makes things happen, I feel like Ive put a lot out there / advertised a lot recently with a bit of return, I am keen to move things forward and take them to the next level in the coming weeks and months though, this is part of my thinking for moving away as well, to get closer to the big book publishers / companies I will need access to, I can't get these in Aberdeen.

So for now just writing this and reading my book, out and about tomorrow at meetings so should be an interesting day. Will update tomorrow evening.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Sunday 29th March 2015

Today has been a relaxed day not much going on but just resting mainly.

Woke up around lunchtime after getting back from night out late last night, got up and went for lunch with Thomas in town. Noticed the pub advertising for staff, so decided to apply for the job, Ive never worked in a pub before but will give it a go, Im keen to get a job soon so have been applying for a few in care work and others, had interviews last week so hopefully hear something back soon.

Was going to watch the football this afternoon but decided to come home and relax, listened to it on the radio it was nice. had a bit of a lie down this afternoon as was tired, then up and speaking to Thomas, went out to get some food too.

This evening just sitting watching TV, good programme about mental health on. Have enjoyed this weekend with Thomas, has been good to have the company. Got a fairly busy week with various work related meetings / projects and my Grandmas coming too which should be nice, think she's staying here during her stay.

So for now just sitting writing this and watching TV with Thomas, update tomorrow.

Saturday 28th March 2015

Saturday was a good day with my friend Thomas.

Got up around lunchtime after staying in bed late, was out drinking on Friday night so needed a lie in. Went into town and had some lunch then went to the shops, then home and had some wine and went out on Saturday night, bumped into some old friends from work which was nice.

Got some interesting emails on Saturday about my book, I need funding at the moment to get the book published in hardback / distributed, I have advertised this on local business websites with a couple of replies. I have a meeting with local business group The Wishing Tree next week about it, and am hoping to develop the project with their input.

So overall just been chilling with Thomas this weekend, doing a bit of work and got the football on Sunday which should be good. Will update Sunday evening.

Friday 27 March 2015

Friday 27th March 2015

Today has been a fun day.

Woke up this morning excited to see my friend Thomas, got up early this morning and went to meet him off the boat, good to see him. Went to sell my old phone then home for a cup of coffee and a catchup, always enjoy seeing people from the hospital where I spent some time last year.

This morning I had an interview about a new job, with my old company funnily enough, but was happy enough to have the interview and think it went well. I think I have a lot to offer a care company like Inspire, and Im keen to get back to work so I can help out where I can, hopefully scope for career progression there too. A different line of work but I have experience of care work from the past so should work out OK.

Home went to the park played a bit of football and sat in the nice weather then home and chilled out with Millie my cat, Thomas was out came back had some dinner then started having a few drinks, Thomas got tired so has gone to bed, so just siting writing this now, planning on drinking in the house then going out later on, looking forward to it as haven't been out for a couple of weeks.

Today I got some good links on the book front, a company who promote ebooks replied saying they really liked it and were keen to promote it which was good, had a few tweets / emails from crowd funding companies too. Im keen to push on with the drive for funding in the coming weeks, I know how much money I need just need to find it then that will set the wheels in motion.

So overall today a busy day for different reasons, feel like this weeks gone by really fast, but think Ive made some good progress and contacts with potential funders for my book / getting back to work. Also found out today my new flatmate can't take the room anymore so having to readvertise it, hopefully get someone soon, Ive advertised it but if no response soon will have to go back to the solicitors for help. Will update tomorrow.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Thursday 26th March 2015

Today has been fine, bit of a lazy day not much going on but fine.

Woke up early this morning answered some messages then fell asleep again till around lunchtime, woke up did some work on laptop made some phone calls about jobs then snoozed again till early afternoon, then did some work on my laptop and promoting my book online. Looking at the reports for downloads I haven't had that many downloads of it, maybe 100, but I need to do more work promoting it then hopefully more will come, Im working on a plan for this.

This afternoon I went to the gym / for a swim, always nice, then to the book shop to have a browse / read some of a Paul McKenna book called I Can Make You Rich, looked good had a short read of it, was thinking of buying it but I have other books to read just now first, my policy at the moment is to read the ones Ive got then buy more. Once my plans to make a bit of money come true, hopefully within the next few weeks, then I am going to buy a new Amazon Kindle and get a nice case for it, and read a bit on that rather than buying books, although I do like paper / hardbacks.

Got home from town made some dinner and answered some emails / tweets, making good contacts through Twitter lately, hoping to use it to get the funding I need to get my book published and marketed. I also applied for Dragons Den with my book ideas, Im quietly confident my idea will get accepted for this, although I know it will be very competitive to get onto the show. It would be good though and may give my project some publicity which would be good. Ive been happlly enough doing my own marketing / promotion for now but in future I would like some support, to make the project as big as I want it to be, this will involve working with other business people / businesses to get the project going on a bigger scale.

Tonight Im just watching the football on TV and writing this, got a busy day tomorrow with my friend Thomas coming and a job interview, so will be out and about with Thomas tomorrow during the day and probably a few drinks at night. Will update over the weekend depending on how much free time I have.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Wednesday 25th March 2015

Today has been a good day, busy but good.

Woke up this morning had a bit of a laze around in bed then up and answered my emails / went through social media, theres quite alot happening on that just now. Did some work till lunchtime then went out to the local park as a sunny day, reading my book and made some phone calls about a new job, got an interview on Friday with my old company in support work, Im looking forward to it, should be fun. I don't really mind what job I get but I want one I will enjoy and I know I will enjoy the care / support work, so keen to get interviews ASAP and get the ball rolling.

This afternoon I had a visit from the property solicitors taking photos of the flat ahead of leasing / sale, I decided to offer the room to Matt who I met the other day, seems like a nice guy so should be fun. Good decision and it means I can stay here rather than move out which is fine.

After that was working on my book promotion, I got a really interesting email from a company who work in crowd funding, basically they will try to find funding for me to get the book published and promoted, this is expensive and I don't have the money for it right now, however if I can get a company to fund / donate to the project I will then have the capital / money to get it published, then once it starts selling I will make royalties / money out of it which will be nice, I will use the money / funding I get to invest into the project and get it going.

This evening I went to the pub and watched the Scotland football game with my Dad, then home for tea, curry was nice. Now sitting writing this, productive day and got a few jobs done which have been pressing for a while. Im hoping to get some funding nailed down for my book soon which will start to make things happen there, which will be exciting. Also looking forward to getting back to work after some time out and see how that goes. a good day and will update tomorrow.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Tuesday 24th March 2015

Today has been a great day with lots of positives to take away from it.

Got up this morning went to the hospital for a catch up, was good and always nice to go back there. Had a good chat with Dr Runcie who Im now good friends with, she was excited to hear about my book and my plans for that, so a positive conversation. Came home in a good mood then had a flat viewing, went well and was a nice person, so think Im going to offer him the room but Im also keen to hear what the solicitors have to say about it price wise, Im still weighing up my options as still feel a little bit unsettled in Aberdeen, might be good to know we can lease the flat and then I can look elsewhere, still wouldn't mind Edinburgh or Glasgow but will see, somewhere I can concentrate away from the distractions of family friends etc.

Home got to work applying for more jobs and working on my book, got some really good contacts today, including a woman in America from a publishing agency who are keen to promote it, I told them I didn't have the money to publish it right now but she gave me some website links where you can source funding for projects like this, I applied for them and they look good, think this is the link Ive been looking for, basically a local business will donate the money to help fund the project's startup or thats the idea anyway. Ive set up the online pages today so hopefully that will be a start to the project.

That was a really positive afternoon, then went out tonight for a few beers and dinner with Dad, was going fine until he started talking negatively about the new business projects Im getting involved with  / not being very positive about my ideas, I challenged him and he didn't like it, I said if he didn't think what I was doing was good why didn't he come along to the business network and say so, he said he would. Thinking about it I don't really want him there anyway, its nothing to do with him and Im getting a little bit upset about him sticking his nose in my business and getting involved where he doesn't need to, he has said some hurtful things the last couple of days. So now I think Im going to ask him for his keys to the flat so he can't have them for a while, I need them for my friend this weekend anyway. Just sitting in bed writing this now, calming down. Update tomorrow.

Monday 23 March 2015

Monday 23rd March 2015

Today has been a busy but good day overall.

Got up this morning and phoned the solicitors then went in to see them, had paperwork to fill in for the flat leasing, did that this afternoon. Think its the best option of them to do it for us, I do have a room viewing tomorrow but still keen on leasing the whole flat and moving out as good financial sense to do that for me and Matthew, but will see what happens. Not a big deal either way but I do fancy a change of scenery soon, will see.

Went into the shops this afternoon and read some of my book in the book shop, then home and to the park as a nice afternoon. Sun went away so came home and spent a nice afternoon in bed working on applying for jobs, found some good ones in mental health support work that Im quite keen on, some of them are good with pay weekly incentives which would be nice. The job Im seeing as primary income / pay the bills, with my freelance marketing / writing and books as side income / bonus. Although it depends on how well I get on with the freelance, I have done a lot of work today in pitching for projects, I found a good website on writing for online blogs which I entered a few pitches for, Im confident Ill get something out of these. I think I would enjoy writing for other peoples blogs rather than just my own, and hopefully make some money out of it too.

This evening Ive been reading, applying for more jobs and I made my latest YouTube video, which I always enjoy, think its quite funny to see yourself in a video, but good to give an update on what I've been up to and hopefully get some views out of it. Also been working on advertising my freelance marketing services online, feel like Ive done a lot of pitching / applying for work the last few days, so surely results will start to come this week, Im confident Ill have some solid work lined up by the end of the week and hopefully profitable, I feel like my efforts in applying for the jobs and work deserves a good financial result, I think the material Ive been reading lately about how to make money and grow your finances is starting to pay off, Ive made some good contacts in the last few days and Im sure these will lead to financial reward. So going to lay off the applications in the coming days and wait and see what comes back, my two goals at the moment are getting a new job that I will enjoy and growing my freelance marketing / writing business, so Im sure the work Ive put in recently will pay off in the coming weeks.

Tomorrow Ive got a few appointments during the day and then my Dad is coming for the night, him and Mum frustrated me today a bit, don't like the way he talks to me sometimes saying things aren't going well / they're worried about me, told him so today. Im not an angry person but I can speak up for myself if I need to, told him to stop worrying about me and focus on himself / his home life as I can look after myself quite happily.

So for now just writing this and watching TV, going to read some of my book and go to bed soon. Will update tomorrow.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Sunday 22nd March 2015

Today has been a good day for a few different reasons.

Woke up this morning and my Dad was here, we went to the pub for breakfast and then up to my younger brothers to watch the football, was a good laugh. His new house is really nice and I enjoy going there when I can, its hard without a car though.

Got home and applied for some more jobs, I noticed a couple at the hospital where I spent some time last year, these were interesting and Im going to chase up my interest this week, I have applied for a lot of different jobs this weekend so see what comes back this week, Im confident I can get something soon, hopefully a good new challenge, Id particularly like to work in mental health care work or a good marketing / communications job, there are a few Ive seen so hopefully a good result this week. Im not in a massive rush but would like something definite soon, so I can look forward to starting it.

Also this evening worked on my social media promotion for my book, made some good contacts and I noticed some paid downloads coming in which is good, Ive figured out my target / goal of how much Id like to make from it per month, I figured if 1000 are downloaded per month that will make me around £800 which will be good. This is an ideal but no harm being ambitious I suppose. The book is a side earner / project just now but one Im happy to keep ticking along and promoting / working on. Although I realise once I start my new job I will have less time but the foundations are in place now so should be manageable.

Tonight I went to the cinema and saw a good Liam Neeson film, always entertaining. Ive got a fairly busy week with getting the flat sorted and other things, I think we should lease the flat with the solicitors then I will move out, possibly into my brother and his finances flat nearby, I asked him if this would be OK today. This will be a good financial option for us both, as the flat will earn us profit on our mortgage through rent, then I can live with him until I find my own place. This is the plan anyway should be OK.

So for now just writing this, going to read some of my books and chill out tonight. Will update tomorrow.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Saturday 21st March 2015

Today has been productive and fairly busy with some good contacts made.

Woke up this morning and went to the solicitors to ask about leasing the flat, they said they would phone back on Monday. Should hopefully be a fairly straightforward process and hassle free, think its the best option for me and Matthew financially just now so glad to move that forward.

Came home to some post which had to work through, sorting out my tax return for last year as Id made a mistake on it, and found out theres been a problem with a job Id been offered recently with the references, so I spent most of today applying for new jobs, in various sectors / types, from care work which I used to do through to mental health support work / PR / marketing and communications. Im confident Ill get something lined up early next week, the care work in particular is a given I think, some had good perks with training / cash to welcome you / quick start schemes etc which Id be keen on as Im keen to get back to work ASAP. Some of the marketing jobs I applied for were start ASAP too, so I applied for some of those. I don't really mind what kind of job I get, but I applied for quite a lot today so Im sure Ill get something soon.

Nice afternoon today so went to the park and played some football in between applying for jobs, I like the park near my flat and always enjoy spending time there and always enjoy spending time in the sunshine. Looks like the weathers getting better now, hopefully a good summer ahead and nice weather to enjoy.

Today I also made a good local business contact called Ross from a company called The Wishing Tree, basically a business promotion network / community interest company, they work in terms of promoting business "wishes" and granting them. I agreed to do some work with them in return for promotion of my business and freelance writing / marketing projects, it involves donating my beloved MacBook Air but hey ho, if it means I get a lot of interest in my writing and authoring work then Im happy to do that. Im looking forward to working with some local business people, Ross sounded keen to get me involved as he thought my work with mental health books was positive and useful, good to hear the feedback. Ive got a meeting arranged soon and also speaking at a local business event which I always enjoy too.

So overall a busy but productive day on the work front, hoping to get something solid out of my applications etc early next week, sure Ill get some phone calls and emails back then, so until then just going to continue applying as and when and working on my book. Next week I need to figure out a plan for getting more money in, although I have sorted out a few things today that should help with this, and the flat will provide income once we lease it out too. Will update tomorrow.

Friday 20 March 2015

Friday 20th March 2015

Today has been a good day overall.

Woke up around lunchtime, had some lunch and did some work in bed for a while then got up and went out to get a hair cut and to the boo shop to do some work, promoting my freelance writing services and projects. Also sat down and did some financial planning, always good, figuring out what my current financial assets are and what I currently owe / am owed by people, looks about right on balance, I do have some bills to pay at the moment but need to get the money to pay for them, working on it. Had a good discussion with Matthew about the flat today too, we have agreed to sell the property possibly this year, but for now we need to get the place rented out, so Im going to the solicitors tomorrow to discuss it with them. I think this will mean I will have to move out into my own place, but this is fine with me.

My idea is that we rent the whole flat out for e.g. £1300 per month, the mortgage comes down to approximately £500 a month, and me and Matthew are left with around £800 a month profit each month between us. I think overall it seems to make more financial sense to to move out and rent a small property, and use this flat as a renting investment for us long term, Im sure it will figure itself out one way or another in the coming days and weeks though. For now the priority is to get Antonios room rented out, or rent the whole property and I will find somewhere else to live. I have done some research online this week and have sent a few emails out so will see what comes back.

Tonight Ive been watching TV and reading my book Money and The Law of Attraction, its good and makes a lot of sense. Im also reading a Kindle ebook called Attract Money Now, currently something Im interested in to see if it works. I think it is something that won't happen right away but in time a plan will come together in my mind, this is where the financial planning was useful today, figuring out income streams / ideas, assets and money sources etc.

I was thinking of going out tonight but Im not too fussed now, happy enough watching TV and reading my books. Maybe a sign of older age! I do enjoy going out but sometimes nice to chill out in the house too. Im not a massive drinker in general anyway and always glad to save the money / hangover. Was hoping to play football tomorrow but cancelled, so need to look for a team again, Ive sent out some messages to potential managers though so will see. Feel like Ive got enough on at the moment and football is secondary, so will settle for watching it on TV for now. Will update tomorrow.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Thursday 19th March 2015

Today has been fine, not much going on but was OK.

Snoozed till around lunchtime (this seems to be normal just now) then got up and did some work on my laptop, was supposed to have someone coming to see the flat room for rent but they didn't turn up which I thought was quite rude. Went to the gym after that for a swim which I always enjoy, and the jacuzzi.

Home did some more work promoting my book etc then Dad came round to get the dog, had tea while looking at flats, we have 2 weeks till Antonio moves out, so I am thinking of either trying to rent his room ourselves online, or through the solicitors, however we know that they will only rent the whole flat for us not just one room, which would mean I would have to move out, which I don't mind doing if needed but ideally not, hopefully we will find someone to take the room soon, going to give it till next week then discuss with my brother / the solicitors.

After tea went out to the proposed book club at the local pub, unfortunately though no one came, so just had a beer and watched the football then home, watched more football and a film called The Secret, which was good, based on the law of attraction, which is something Im currently interested in, basically saying you get out of life what you think about / attract, and like attracts like. So you attract what you think about / do, at the moment Im thinking a lot about money and who to get more of it for various purposes, reading books about it. Ive put a few plans in motion the last couple of days so hopefully soon they will start to pay off. Today I also changed the price of my ebook and did some more promotion for it online, starting to get some interest in it. I would like to generate enough money from the ebook version to be able to self publish in hardback, I have been recommended a publisher called Balboa Press who Ive registered with.

So for now just writing this and chilling out, not much planned tomorrow might go to the cinema and do more work, football on Saturday so probably a quiet night tomorrow. Will update then.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Wednesday 18th March 2015

Today has been a really good day.

Woke up around lunchtime, sleepy so stayed in bed till early afternoon then got up and got to work on my website, added in an Amazon advertising link, hopefully get some money out of it. Also updated the website with new content and links, promoting my freelance writing services, did some online networking on ABN Community and Facebook / Twitter too. I think I can make some money out of my freelance writing services, as I am a good writer having worked in it for a while now. Im currently looking at any ways to make money out of what assets Ive got, leaving no stone unturned. The books Ive been reading lately have been useful for this, I know it will take time but good to put the pieces in place to make things happen.

I had my Dad and Gucci round today, always good to see them, fun and a nice day with them. Worked away till the evening then had football training, a good session and tempo. Got my first game with the team on Saturday, looking forward to it, a decent level for now and a good group of players, the manager has plans for the future so thats good and Im happy to be part of it. Think some family members are coming to watch on Saturday so that will be good, Im a bit nervous but it will be fine, just happy to have found a team I can play with regularly and to have signed with after a while looking for someone.

Tonight Im just having a couple of beers and going to go out for a while, cheap night out so should be fun. Will update tomorrow.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Tuesday 17th March 2015

Today has been a fun day.

Snoozed off and on till early afternoon, woke up and decided to go into town, went to the book shop and bought money and he law of attraction, a book I've been meaning to read for a while. It looks good and i read some of it in the book shop early this afternoon.

After that I went to the cinema and watched a film about a woman with alzheimers, it was good and a good watch. I enjoy my cinema pass and the fact you can go to the cinema anytime, I think it good to broaden your horizons and watch different films.

After the the cinema I met a girl for coffee at Costas, she was nice and had a cat also called Millie, coincidence? But I thought she was OK. Had coffee then home and watched the football, Dad came round tonight and we went out for a couple of beers which was nice. Also today I found out I won some tickets to go on the ferry up to Orkney, Im keen to explore Scotland this year so that fits in well, might go with my sister for her birthday.

So for now just watching TV with my Dad and the dog, been a fun day and hopefully the same tomorrow, will update then.

Monday 16 March 2015

Monday 16th March 2015

Today has been fine, quite a lazy day with not much to report.

Snoozed off and on till after lunchtime, must have been tired last night. Spent the early afternoon in bed working on my laptop answering emails / messages and promoting my book online, this is ongoing work and chipping away at it as I can.

Today I decided to read a new ebook I downloaded onto my Kindle called Attract Money Now, its supposed to help you attract more money into your life. Ive read most of it today, it was good, giving me ideas for different income streams, and using objects in my life for financial benefit. Im not obsessed with money but like anyone am keen to get as much as I can, as this will help with future plans, for example travelling and seeing the world, something I am always keen to do.

I came up with some ideas from the book Im going to work on and have already started, one is my ebook Feet Up Therapy that Im hoping to make money out of through royalties on Amazon.com, I need to do more work on the promotion of it though, something Im working on on a daily basis. Also Im looking at how I can use my writing skills online for more financial benefit, looks like blogs and article / feature writing is a good one to look at, something Im going to do in the coming days and months.

Im also looking at using my cat Millie to get some extra income, I entered her into some animal modelling websites today, she is a good looking cat so Im hoping this will work out. Just a bit of fun for now but hopefully it will turn into something profitable. The book made some good points about thinking like an entrepreneur, and using whatever assets you've got to your advantage money wise, so Ive got some ideas for this for the future.

Tonight Ive just been reading and went out for a bit of dinner, got a free day tomorrow so going to work on my writing / book promotion during the day and got a busy evening tomorrow night with a coffee date and my Dad coming. Will update then.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Sunday 15th March 2015

Today was really good.

Went out for a few drinks last night, was fun and had a good time. Got up this morning and got the bus to my brothers flat, as we were going to a local restaurant for Mothers Day. Had a really nice meal with the family, everyone got on well and it was a good laugh so a good time. Nice to see my mum too, hadn't seen her for a while, really wish she would stop worrying so much about the family and focus on herself, she has always been the same though. One day hopefully it will happen.

Home from the meal did some work on promoting the book online, advertising it on social media etc. Hoping the results from this will start to come in this week, Im going to do as much work as I can on it as it looks like Ive got a fairly free schedule this week.

Also this afternoon I watched some TV / read some of a book on my Kindle called Think and Grow Rich, Im quite into my self development books just now, particularly ones about earning money. Ive also downloaded one called Attract Money Now, I also watched a video on YouTube about it and it looks good, I would love to be in the position where I had enough money to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, and do whatever I liked rather than having to work. I would travel the world and give money to charities I think, my grand plan for the books is to make money out of them and use it to do this, in the future. But for now I need some money to pay bills etc coming up and clear some debts, so I need to figure out how to get the money I need.

Also good to hear today my sister mentioned her friends had been talking about my book, this is good and means the word is getting out there. My idea for that is to get as much promotion going on while its free as I can then hopefully sales will start to come in after the free spell ends, then I will earn some money from it in time.

So for now just sitting writing this, going to read some of my new ebook Attract Money Now, no real plans this week so just going to see what happens, need to chase up new job and work on promoting my book. Will update tomorrow.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Saturday 14th March 2015

Today has been a good day.

Got up this morning and got the bus to football, looks like a good set up and a decent level, our team won the game so what was good. Was hoping to be on at least the substitutes bench today but the squad was full so just stayed and watched the game, was good and a good laugh. The manager was asking what my best position was and he asked if I would play in defence, said I hadn't before but I would give it a go if he wanted. He asked me to come to training on Wednesday, I have the book club which Ive organised then so said I would get back to him. Im enjoying getting going in football but am keen to develop my other interests too, my reading and writing is a priority just now I feel with football being a secondary consideration.

Got home from football and watched the rugby followed by tea, then watched a but of telly and read some of my book, also watched some YouTube videos to do with the law of attraction and money, always enjoy learning about this, I am planning on getting some books about it. Im not too fussed about money but wouldn't mind having more, always helps develop projects and opportunities for travelling etc. Im hoping my book makes me some side earnings after its free month alongside my new job, but am keen to look at as many options / ways of earning extra cash as possible, particularly as I have credit card / bills to pay this month. The flat is a potential earner but I need somewhere to live for now, so need to stay here for the moment.

Tonight Im thinking of going out for  a few drinks with a girl Ive been seeing recently, she seems nice enough and a good laugh. Not too fussed about women at the moment but good to have a laugh anyway and see how it goes. So just been having a few beers at home whilst waiting to hear where to meet them. Got a fairly busy day tomorrow with the family and it being mothers day so will update tomorrow evening.

Friday 13 March 2015

Friday 13th March 2015

Today has been OK, quite lazy though.

Must have been tired after football last night because I slept into the afternoon today, woke up and did some work on my laptop in bed, promoting the book and answering emails / messages online. I did some research into places to promote ebooks online and spent some time this afternoon working on that, posting the book link to places on Facebook and Twitter, looks like got a response out of it, with some more downloads appearing over the course of the afternoon. I think I need to put as much effort as I can into promoting the book while its during its free download period, and encourage sharing as much as possible. Im sure I can get more downloads than I currently have, and am planning on looking into this more in the coming days and weeks with a view to stronger online promotion.

This evening I went to the football, Aberdeen won 2-1 which was good, not a great game but we got the result which was the main thing. Ive got a game tomorrow which Im looking forward to, looks like an interesting project and one Im keen to get involved with. Im signing as a trialist with a local amateur team, with a view to signing permanently. This should be a bit of fun if anything, and is more recreational than anything else. Something good to do on a Saturday though and Im looking forward to it.

Also tonight got some enquiries about the flat room, Im keen to get this sorted ASAP, got someone coming to see it tomorrow evening which is good, Im not fussy about who takes it as Im a friendly person and get on with most people. Ideally a male but not too fussed if female either.

So for now just sitting writing this and watching some TV, going to have a quiet night ahead of football tomorrow. A fairly busy day tomorrow so Ill update this tomorrow evening.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Thursday 12th March 2015

Today has been very chilled. Woke up early this morning, my Dads dog Gucci was in the flat so played with him for a while and answered emails / messages in bed, was fun. Didn't have much to get up for so stayed in bed for a while doing some promotion for my book and watching YouTube videos about football, as I'm currently trying to develop my knowledge of the game ahead of a potential future in it playing.

Spent most of the day reading my book Autobiography of a Yogi, its good so far, quite an easy read and some interesting information in it. I haven't been reading quite as fast as usual recently, but I have been busy with other things like promoting my book and other interests. I am going to read it though and I have a couple more lined up after that too on my book shelf, Im trying to get into the habit of finishing the ones Ive got before buying any more at the moment, there are so many out there to choose from but Im trying to read the ones I already have for now.

Most of the afternoon I spent watching videos about football, I enjoy this, especially the ones that go behind the scenes of a football club and show the training etc. There is a good channel I'm watching at the moment called Inside City, based on Manchester City football club, so have been watching that one episode after the other. Im quite good at football but still trying to find my place in the game / where I fit in, Im currently training with a couple of local junior / amateur teams, and hope to sign with one soon, I had a training session tonight with a local junior team called Sunnybank FC, was a good session and was glad to go along, good bunch of guys and it was a good laugh. Trying not to take the football too seriously but more recreational at the moment, Ive got a trial on Saturday with another local team who sound interesting, the manager seems to have good plans for the future so Im excited to go and see what happens there. Just good to get involved in the game at some level and see where it goes, bit of fun just now nothing too serious.

Enjoyed the walk to and from the game with my music on, nice to go for a walk. Just home now writing this, going to have a shower and read / watch more videos, will update tomorrow, no definite plans so will see what happens, might go to to the gym / for a swim and Aberdeen are playing at home tomorrow night so will go to that.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Wednesday 11th March 2015

Today has been a busy day! Woke up this morning decided not to view the flat I was supposed to, as I think I know what kind of property I want now. So stayed in bed till lunchtime despite being woken up by the dog, happy to reply to various messages / emails in bed. got up about 1pm, had work to do, answering various messages / emails and odd jobs.

Spent most of the day tending to odd jobs / projects, feel like I got quite a lot done, including sending away my tax return for last year, applying for a cat competition for my cat Millie where Im hoping to make some money out of it, although I need some professional images to help with this, I have contacted my friend Ben who is a photographer who can do this.

Also I found out today my flatmate Antonio is moving out at the start of April, so I was busy today taking photos of the flat / promoting the room on Gumtree etc, Im keen to get someone signed up to take his room ASAP. Im sure though over the coming days I will get someone, it is a good room in a great location, I have advertised it so Im just waiting to hear back at the moment.

Also today I managed to find a regular football team in Aberdeen, I have considered setting up my own football team but today I got a reply from a team in the city who look OK, third division of the local amateur leagues but they are looking for players so I hope I can help them out, Im going to train with them next week. I'm keen to develop my football interests this year, and am looking to sign with a regular team locally with a view to development in the local leagues and take it from there. My understanding is you need to play at a good level with the juniors / amateur teams first and take it from there, I am confident I am at a good level though having played for a few local teams recently.

Also today I have been trying to establish interest in a local book club, I can't find anything in Aberdeen so decided to try and set up my own, I have used the Gumtree / Facebook to try and gain interest for free, although I will use websites like Meetup.com to develop this. I think this will be good for social reasons, and encouraging people to read more / develop their knowledge.

So for now just writing this and sitting watching TV, thinking about going out but not too bothered at the same time. I think Im past the age now where going out is an appealing option, Im trying to cut back on drinking with football etc too. Will update tomorrow.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Tuesday 10th March 2015

Today has been a busy day. Got up this morning to go to the solicitors to discuss my new property, I don't really like solicitors but this was fine, we figured out what I can afford and it seems realistic, although I am hoping for a bit more than he suggested. I know what kind of price range I'm looking at and what kind of property I want, so it is just a case of figuring out the logistics and making it happen. I think the fact I currently have a mortgage will be beneficial, and will help me to get a property that suits me well and caters for my needs. I am not looking for an expensive property, but one that suits my requirements  and I know what these are.

After that I went to view my first flat viewing of the day, it was nice in a very good location, although I think just too expensive for me at the moment. But it was good to get an idea of what kinds of properties are on the market at the moment.

After that I came home for lunch then headed out to the gym for a swim, always enjoy this, very relaxing and therapeutic. Spent some time in the jacuzzi then off for another flat viewing, however I couldn't find the flat so didn't see it, however I don't think it was relevant for me anyway. Today I decided to trade in my old phone for an Amazon Kindle Fire, this is already proving to be a good decision and I really like the device, should be good for reading amongst other things, it has internet access and music etc too. Its a nice size, not too big and easy to put into a bag if travelling / moving around. My laptop is good for this but good to have a medium sized device I can use, and it is designed for reading in particular which is good for me.

Came home and went out tonight to see another property, it was nice but didn't think the location was great, prefer to stay where I am for now rather than move there. Im interested in a move but not desperate as I already have a good flat, but am keen to get something before summer time. Id rather hold out for something good, in a good location. Just need to have a bit of patience and this will happen.

Tonight I met my Dad for a few pints and dinner, was good to catch up with him, sounds like he's got his own plans for the future which is good, a change with his job / career which sounds like a good deal financially. Im always keen to encourage change, and hopefully this works out for him, sounds like he's keen on it and he can do the job well. Home and now typing this up, haven't really done much on the book front today apart from a bit of social media promotion, getting there and downloads are slowly increasing. Going to chip away at this over the coming weeks, hopefully with a good return on effort put in. Will update tomorrow.

Monday 9 March 2015

Monday 9th March 2015

Today has been a good day. Woke up early this morning was going to get up and do some work but instead snoozed till lunchtime, stayed in bed till about 2pm working on laptop / phone. Dad came round for a while, had a cup of tea with him and discussed the new flat idea, went through a few properties on the website and discussed them in more detail. Tomorrow Ive got a meeting with the solicitors and also several flat viewings which Im looking forward to, four in total at the moment, three viewings tomorrow. I am looking for a 1 or 2 bedroom property with car parking facilities and a garden too, there are a few online that have these that I am interested in and am going to look at tomorrow and Wednesday. I imagine things will move fairly quickly once I view some and make a decision, and will then look at putting some offers in for the one I like the best. Its good that we've come to a decision on our current flat, and it is the right time to move on now for both of us.

After that went for a run with the people from my old work, good to see them always and it was a good laugh, working towards the 10k run in May, also keeping fitness going for football reasons. I enjoy running and fitness work, and think it is important to keep healthy physically and mentally. Home from the run watched the football on TV and chilled out, doing a bit of work this evening.

Tonight I did some work on my book promotion, creating promotional artwork for my Facebook and Twitter pages, and posting some tweets too. I also updated the books script slightly and reuploaded it onto Amazon as I had noticed a couple of minor grammatical errors. I think my decision to register with Amazon Select is paying off, as I noticed the downloads of the book had increased today, my friend Kevin told me he had downloaded it too. Im anticipating further growth in downloads over the coming weeks, with the first months worth being for free but hopefully after that Ill make some money out of it, once awareness and publicity of the book has started growing online. Im still going to put more into the social media promotion for it though, and am planning on working on this in the coming days and weeks time allowing.

Im reasonably confident about the sales / downloads of the book, as I have been told by several people it is a good idea. I think it will grow over time, however for now I am just happy for it to be published online and to have a platform I can advertise / promote. With more marketing effort this will grow, and hopefully download figures will increase, I'm enjoying logging in to the reports area of the Kindle Direct store, where the download figures can be seen in more detail along with royalties made, for now this is zero for me but in time it will be profitable I'm sure.

So for now Im just sitting typing this up, busy day tomorrow viewing properties and meetings with the solicitors. Will update tomorrow evening.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Sunday 8th March 2015

Today has been good, quite a lazy day but feel like got some good work done amongst other things.

Lazed around this morning as a Sunday, didn't really feel like getting out of bed till quite late so just stayed in bed till about 2pm, then up and into town to do a few odd jobs and also went to the cinema, good film. Im enjoying my unlimited cinema pass, I think its good for a creative person like me to go and see different films, I am a very visual person so enjoy the spectacle of the cinema, and the card saves me money as I can go whenever I want as its unlimited.

Home had tea then working on book promotion, I did some research and read some articles online about how to best promote Kindle ebooks, a lot of it to do with social media including Facebook ebook pages, Twitter accounts etc. Also recommended signing up with Kindle Select, so I did that today too. Im hoping my promotion will encourage sales and downloads of the book, and give me some extra income in the future too. For now though Im happy to be learning from the project and just seeing how things go with it, and if it makes me money in the future all the better.

Also tonight watched some football on TV amongst other things, football is something Id like to develop my skills in this year, Im currently looking for a team in Aberdeen I can train with and get a game with on a regular basis, at an amateur level with a view to higher in the future. I did find a team who train on a Thursday evening here, so am planning on going to train with them this week and see how that goes. I think physical exercise is good for mental health and general wellbeing, and being part of a team is something Id enjoy too. I have trained with a couple of local teams this year but nothing concrete yet but Im sure Ill find something soon.

This week Im hoping to hear back from my new job as to when I will be starting, and am planning on getting my head down and working hard on the book promotion online. Im thinking of putting together a social media marketing plan using a book Ive got called Social Networking for Rookies, and following this through. I think it would be good to have some objectives / specific targets for sales figures rather than a haphazard approach, that I can then build my promotion towards.

So for now Im just writing this and am going to read some more of my Autobiography of a Yogi book , its good so far. Will update again tomorrow.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Saturday 7th March 2015

Today has been a good day if not quite a lazy one! Stayed in bed till after lunchtime, no real reason to get up so just rolled around until I wanted to get up around 2pm, answered various messages / emails and Twitter notifications. Got up went into property solicitors to make an appointment about getting my own property, got an appointment on Tuesday morning which is exciting and Im looking forward to discussing my options with them. This is not an urgent thing but something Id like to look at this year I think.

Then went into shops to try and get my iPad sold, had to go into the Apple shop to get it sorted out, never ceases to amaze me what they can do in that shop, the service is brilliant and so fast, had the iPad sorted in no time which was good. Going back to the shop tomorrow to get cash for it, it is a good device but I never use it now Ive got my Mac laptop and larger iPhone. Would have been handy to keep it for e reading etc but oh well, I prefer paper books anyway mainly.

Home cooked tea then not much of an evening, just watching the football on TV and reading a new book called Autobiography of a Yogi, supposed to be good so Im looking forward to it, I finished A Brief History of Time last night it was very good and surprisingly easy to read I thought not too complicated. Im planning on building my library of books this year but Ive got a few to get through for now s focusing on them before I buy any more.

So other than that a pretty chilled out day, just doing bits and pieces on the book promotion, I had planned on doing some social media marketing planning for it today but didn't have time, might do it tomorrow. Ive got a book that explains about social networking so Im going to have a look through that to help with the advertising, as Im planning on focussing the promotion on social media, mainly Facebook and Twitter. Now Ive got the book on the Kindle store with a specific web page I can link to it from all my social media accounts, so need to drive traffic to it and create awareness of the book to encourage sales of it. I think this is possible through social media particularly Twitter, but need to do some more research to fully be able to make the best out of it.

So for now just typing this, going to read some more watch a but of telly and chill out, no particular plans tomorrow so see what happens. Will update then.

Friday 6 March 2015

Friday 5th March 2014

Today has again been busy but a good day overall. Got up this morning for my hospital appointment, with Pauline, its always nice to catch up with her and go back to the hospital where I spent some time last year and also this, its a wonderful place where some great work is done. My appointments now are just catch ups but still nice to go back and chat to the staff.

Got home made a call to the benefits people, they confirmed Ill be getting paid next week, this is a relief and good to get that sorted out as it should cover me for the next financial month until I start my new job and will get paid then too. Then off to cinema, Ive got an unlimited card so Im trying to use it as much as I can to get the moneys worth out of it, saw a good film about a robot called Chappie, it was good.

Home from cinema just put my feet up and chilled out for a while till tea, nothing major going on, had dinner then was planning going out to the cinema again but my brother came round, had a few things to discuss with him about the flat, Ive decided and he agreed we should consider selling the flat we have this year, then I will buy my own property and we will both get money back and be able to move on from it. We have put a lot into this flat over five years so it will be sad to leave it but I feel the time is right to look at a fresh start, Im looking forward to viewing properties soon and getting an idea for what I would like myself, I definitely want a flat with a garden if possible so I can play football / enjoy the sunshine from the comfort of my own home. I like the flat we have just now but would like to move into my own place that I can call my own and do with it what I like.

Went to the cinema again afterwards, saw another good film, now home sitting writing this and going to just relax tonight with the telly on and read a book. Im planning on having a quiet weekend got a few things to do with the flat so going to do that.

Not much to say about the book writing today, showed my brother it on the Amazon store he was impressed, he said to try and get as much publicity as possible for it maybe by using Twitter / social media, to encourage sales. I agree and I need to put together a more structured plan for this, something for the weekend maybe. I think having a plan in place will allow me to target the promotion, rather than just doing it on an ad hoc / responsive basis as is currently happening, however to be fair I have been busy writing the book and getting it published online. So now I can focus on driving promotion to the Kindle store page in the future and trying to generate sales out of it.

So overall a busy day, no definite plans so going to take it as it comes. Will update tomorrow.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Thursday 5th March 2015

Today has been a good day! More progress with the book amongst other things, pleased to get a few things sorted out at last. Snoozed off and on till lunchtime then got up and went to the doctors to get my sick note, got it and took it into the job centre people who said they'll sort it from here. Relief to finally get that sorted just need the money now, going to phone the ESA people tomorrow to chase it up.

Went for a swim after that, always nice, love the jacuzzi too, very therapeutic. Home and working on my book, redesigned the front cover, happy enough with it for now but it could change in the future. I got an email from Amazon this morning saying my book has been put onto the Kindle store, this was exciting and a good start to the day today. Going to keep an eye on book sales online and see how it's going, I'm expecting a slow start but will have to see, any downloads are good for me though, just happy to have it published on the store. I've given Amazon exclusive rights to the book for 90 days, so am just going to forget about it for now and see how things go on there.

Also today Ive been updating my website with the latest developments on the book front, updating the books page of the site and my social media which never seems to stop at the moment, Twitter in particular is very busy with lots of new followers on a daily basis, I try to keep up with it but it can be hard, considering a new plan for it, currently in a responsive state to it but would like a more structured approach to build up the following online, something for the future.

Tonight I went out to the shops nearby to look at Kindles / e readers, the Kindle Fire looks good but then I remembered Ive got my old iPad which Im thinking of selling but might keep and use as an e reader device, alternatively Im thinking of selling my Apple stuff and downsizing to PC / Kindle to save some money, but will see how things go. I like the Kindle Fire as a device but also really like the Apple products and I have my iPhone / Mac laptop so might be good to keep things the same. I do like the fact the Kindle is a specific reading device, but the iPad has pretty good reading facilities too and I can install the Kindle app onto it if I want to.

Other than that Ive just been continuing to read A Brief History Of Time this evening, a good book, a bit complicated at times but overall an easy read. Also watching a bit of TV / film to relax. Just going to read some more and will update the blog tomorrow.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Wednesday 4th March 2015

So here I am starting my new daily diary / blog using Google's Blogger software, which I have used before and enjoy using as it's simple to use. Basically a place to put my daily ramblings / updates and thoughts on my day overall.

Today has been positive, I woke up late (again) to various messages / requests on my phone, which I answered in bed one by one to start the day. This ranges from Twitter follower requests to personal messages / emails covering various things, at the moment a lot seems to be centred around my flat, which is an ongoing project of over five years and one me and my brother have put a lot into, I think at the moment there are just a few outstanding financial things to be sorted out which hopefully we can figure out soon, Matthew seems to worry a lot about it but I think it will just sort itself out in time. I am considering moving / buying my own property this year, once things settle down with my new job etc. I know what kind of place I would like, but at the moment happy enough where I am and no need for a change but one for the future.

I went to the doctor today to try and get my sick note which I need to give to the job centre people to get my backdated benefit payments from November last year, despite requesting this last week they still haven't done it, bit frustrating but they said they should have it tomorrow. Then I need to phone the people back and get the sick note faxed to them so I can get my money ASAP. I'm currently in the minus financially for the first time in my life, I have an overdraft so its fine but would like to get back into the positive ASAP, my plan for this is to get my ESA payments soon and also sell a few items e.g.. my old iPad / iPhone, to get some money in the bank. Also bearing in mind I'll be starting my new job soon so I'll get money there eventually, not sure when Im starting there but I put in the paperwork for it yesterday so hopefully soon.

After that I met my sister in town to get a few things sorted out, then home to work on my book, I have heard back from a publisher who turned it down unfortunately, however I have a backup plan, which involves self publishing in digital formats for a start, as I don't have the money just now to pay for print costs / publishing fees (I have some quotes for the cost of these). I would like my books to be in hard copy eventually, however for now I think digital is fine. I was experimenting with a few different online publishing tools this afternoon such as CreateSpace and Lulu, but found there to be hold ups / frustrating to use at times. I think Lulu look like a good one but then I found out about Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, which I signed up to and managed to get the book onto quickly. I am interested to see how this goes in the near future, and am keen to see if it works sales wise. Im not too fussed about the money from the books, but it would be nice. A good starting point and see where it goes from there.

Was going to go to my sound yoga class tonight but it was cancelled so home to watch the football instead and read, I'm currently reading A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking, a book Ive wanted to read for a while, it's good so far. Then decided to watch a documentary on bipolar disorder on Channel 4, it was really interesting. Now sitting typing this, glad to have started it and I plan on putting in daily entries. Overall a fairly busy day but feel I made some good progress with a few things book wise which was good. Just off to read some more now and go to bed soon.