Tuesday 31 March 2015

Tuesday 31st March 2015

Today has been a productive and busy day on the work front.

Did some work this morning at home, answering various emails and messages on Twitter etc, never ceases to amaze me how long this takes to do. Making some good connections online though for funding for my book production which was good.

Went off to the Wishing Tree event this afternoon, was really good and made some good connections, also got some really good input and feedback about my projects from the other business professionals, some good ideas and suggestions including developing my website and social media / videos and blog to make it seem more slick / professional, I knew this was something I wanted to do anyway this year. I would like to have my website looking like e.g. Paul McKenna / Joseph Clough, people I admire online, with some really professional looking videos etc. However this is something Im working on in time, I was also recommended to look at social media in more depth, to advertise my writing services online, this is something I will do and I took a lot away from the session.

My next step is to continue looking for funding to publish and market my first book, this is something Im working on this week, I have made a few connections in the local business community this week s see what happens there. I know I can get it I just need to find the right contact. Then I will be able to get the publisher in America to do their work and get the book out there, which will be good.

Another key bit of input today was to work on building my personal brand first in terms of my reputation as a freelance writer / author, and work on my books on the side for now. This was really good advice and one I intend to do, I knew this was the case anyway but good to get the professional input. I made some good contacts today though and with a view to some freelance work / projects, which will be good for experience. A lady I spoke to spoke about developing your own brand name and reputation first, and other projects second, all good advice.

Home bit of dinner now just watching the football and writing this. I also today put my flat into the hands of the solicitors so see what happens there, I am considering a move away from Aberdeen this year, possibly Edinburgh. So it will be good to get the flat sorted as soon as possible to take this off me and Matthews minds. Will update tomorrow, Ive got a fairly busy day with meetings in town and other things.

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