Thursday 12 March 2015

Thursday 12th March 2015

Today has been very chilled. Woke up early this morning, my Dads dog Gucci was in the flat so played with him for a while and answered emails / messages in bed, was fun. Didn't have much to get up for so stayed in bed for a while doing some promotion for my book and watching YouTube videos about football, as I'm currently trying to develop my knowledge of the game ahead of a potential future in it playing.

Spent most of the day reading my book Autobiography of a Yogi, its good so far, quite an easy read and some interesting information in it. I haven't been reading quite as fast as usual recently, but I have been busy with other things like promoting my book and other interests. I am going to read it though and I have a couple more lined up after that too on my book shelf, Im trying to get into the habit of finishing the ones Ive got before buying any more at the moment, there are so many out there to choose from but Im trying to read the ones I already have for now.

Most of the afternoon I spent watching videos about football, I enjoy this, especially the ones that go behind the scenes of a football club and show the training etc. There is a good channel I'm watching at the moment called Inside City, based on Manchester City football club, so have been watching that one episode after the other. Im quite good at football but still trying to find my place in the game / where I fit in, Im currently training with a couple of local junior / amateur teams, and hope to sign with one soon, I had a training session tonight with a local junior team called Sunnybank FC, was a good session and was glad to go along, good bunch of guys and it was a good laugh. Trying not to take the football too seriously but more recreational at the moment, Ive got a trial on Saturday with another local team who sound interesting, the manager seems to have good plans for the future so Im excited to go and see what happens there. Just good to get involved in the game at some level and see where it goes, bit of fun just now nothing too serious.

Enjoyed the walk to and from the game with my music on, nice to go for a walk. Just home now writing this, going to have a shower and read / watch more videos, will update tomorrow, no definite plans so will see what happens, might go to to the gym / for a swim and Aberdeen are playing at home tomorrow night so will go to that.

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