Tuesday 17 March 2015

Tuesday 17th March 2015

Today has been a fun day.

Snoozed off and on till early afternoon, woke up and decided to go into town, went to the book shop and bought money and he law of attraction, a book I've been meaning to read for a while. It looks good and i read some of it in the book shop early this afternoon.

After that I went to the cinema and watched a film about a woman with alzheimers, it was good and a good watch. I enjoy my cinema pass and the fact you can go to the cinema anytime, I think it good to broaden your horizons and watch different films.

After the the cinema I met a girl for coffee at Costas, she was nice and had a cat also called Millie, coincidence? But I thought she was OK. Had coffee then home and watched the football, Dad came round tonight and we went out for a couple of beers which was nice. Also today I found out I won some tickets to go on the ferry up to Orkney, Im keen to explore Scotland this year so that fits in well, might go with my sister for her birthday.

So for now just watching TV with my Dad and the dog, been a fun day and hopefully the same tomorrow, will update then.

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