Tuesday 10 March 2015

Tuesday 10th March 2015

Today has been a busy day. Got up this morning to go to the solicitors to discuss my new property, I don't really like solicitors but this was fine, we figured out what I can afford and it seems realistic, although I am hoping for a bit more than he suggested. I know what kind of price range I'm looking at and what kind of property I want, so it is just a case of figuring out the logistics and making it happen. I think the fact I currently have a mortgage will be beneficial, and will help me to get a property that suits me well and caters for my needs. I am not looking for an expensive property, but one that suits my requirements  and I know what these are.

After that I went to view my first flat viewing of the day, it was nice in a very good location, although I think just too expensive for me at the moment. But it was good to get an idea of what kinds of properties are on the market at the moment.

After that I came home for lunch then headed out to the gym for a swim, always enjoy this, very relaxing and therapeutic. Spent some time in the jacuzzi then off for another flat viewing, however I couldn't find the flat so didn't see it, however I don't think it was relevant for me anyway. Today I decided to trade in my old phone for an Amazon Kindle Fire, this is already proving to be a good decision and I really like the device, should be good for reading amongst other things, it has internet access and music etc too. Its a nice size, not too big and easy to put into a bag if travelling / moving around. My laptop is good for this but good to have a medium sized device I can use, and it is designed for reading in particular which is good for me.

Came home and went out tonight to see another property, it was nice but didn't think the location was great, prefer to stay where I am for now rather than move there. Im interested in a move but not desperate as I already have a good flat, but am keen to get something before summer time. Id rather hold out for something good, in a good location. Just need to have a bit of patience and this will happen.

Tonight I met my Dad for a few pints and dinner, was good to catch up with him, sounds like he's got his own plans for the future which is good, a change with his job / career which sounds like a good deal financially. Im always keen to encourage change, and hopefully this works out for him, sounds like he's keen on it and he can do the job well. Home and now typing this up, haven't really done much on the book front today apart from a bit of social media promotion, getting there and downloads are slowly increasing. Going to chip away at this over the coming weeks, hopefully with a good return on effort put in. Will update tomorrow.

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