Thursday 19 March 2015

Thursday 19th March 2015

Today has been fine, not much going on but was OK.

Snoozed till around lunchtime (this seems to be normal just now) then got up and did some work on my laptop, was supposed to have someone coming to see the flat room for rent but they didn't turn up which I thought was quite rude. Went to the gym after that for a swim which I always enjoy, and the jacuzzi.

Home did some more work promoting my book etc then Dad came round to get the dog, had tea while looking at flats, we have 2 weeks till Antonio moves out, so I am thinking of either trying to rent his room ourselves online, or through the solicitors, however we know that they will only rent the whole flat for us not just one room, which would mean I would have to move out, which I don't mind doing if needed but ideally not, hopefully we will find someone to take the room soon, going to give it till next week then discuss with my brother / the solicitors.

After tea went out to the proposed book club at the local pub, unfortunately though no one came, so just had a beer and watched the football then home, watched more football and a film called The Secret, which was good, based on the law of attraction, which is something Im currently interested in, basically saying you get out of life what you think about / attract, and like attracts like. So you attract what you think about / do, at the moment Im thinking a lot about money and who to get more of it for various purposes, reading books about it. Ive put a few plans in motion the last couple of days so hopefully soon they will start to pay off. Today I also changed the price of my ebook and did some more promotion for it online, starting to get some interest in it. I would like to generate enough money from the ebook version to be able to self publish in hardback, I have been recommended a publisher called Balboa Press who Ive registered with.

So for now just writing this and chilling out, not much planned tomorrow might go to the cinema and do more work, football on Saturday so probably a quiet night tomorrow. Will update then.

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