Monday 30 March 2015

Monday 30th March 2015

Today has been fine, not a huge amount to report but was OK.

Slept till around lunchtime off and on, must have been tired after a busy weekend with Thomas, did some work in bed then got up around 2 when Thomas left. Did some work on my website today, got recommended some good applications to try and encourage book downloads so installed them onto the website and updated some pages etc, also answered emails and a few other odd jobs.

Went to the gym this afternoon and for a swim / jacuzzi which is always nice, good to keep fit and I enjoy it. Went into town after to buy a new book by Paul McKenna called I Can Make You Rich, looks good so far, I have read some of this books before and they are good. Im not obsessed with money but do believe it gives you options in life, and can help finance things you want in the future. For me at the moment I am interested in a move away from this flat, possibly to London or Edinburgh, so need money to help finance that, I know I can rent this flat but will need some money to get started when I move as a basis, so need to focus on getting some in the coming weeks. Im aiming to have moved by April / May time, so will see what happens. I think there are more options for what I want to do in Edinburgh or London, and better transport links / media outlets etc. Ive always fancied a move there so seems like a good time with things coming to a head with the flat here, but I would keep this flat as an investment for the future, we can rent through the solicitors and its always here if I need to come back in the future, I just think its good to make a change sometimes and make a fresh start.

Got home did some more work on laptop, looking at my calendar Ive got meetings this week in Aberdeen, interested to see what this Wishing Trees all about, have been speaking to the man in charge Ross who seems OK but am wary of it, will see what its about tomorrow anyway. Could lead to some future business opportunities which would be good, if I am moving away I plan to run my freelance marketing / writing business through my laptop remotely, this is easy enough done with internet access wherever I am. I could always work in a bar or similar if it comes to it for a start, to get things started wherever I move to, think it will be Edinburgh for a start but will see.

Tonight Im just writing this and reading my new book, interested to see if it works / makes things happen, I feel like Ive put a lot out there / advertised a lot recently with a bit of return, I am keen to move things forward and take them to the next level in the coming weeks and months though, this is part of my thinking for moving away as well, to get closer to the big book publishers / companies I will need access to, I can't get these in Aberdeen.

So for now just writing this and reading my book, out and about tomorrow at meetings so should be an interesting day. Will update tomorrow evening.

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