Sunday 29 March 2015

Sunday 29th March 2015

Today has been a relaxed day not much going on but just resting mainly.

Woke up around lunchtime after getting back from night out late last night, got up and went for lunch with Thomas in town. Noticed the pub advertising for staff, so decided to apply for the job, Ive never worked in a pub before but will give it a go, Im keen to get a job soon so have been applying for a few in care work and others, had interviews last week so hopefully hear something back soon.

Was going to watch the football this afternoon but decided to come home and relax, listened to it on the radio it was nice. had a bit of a lie down this afternoon as was tired, then up and speaking to Thomas, went out to get some food too.

This evening just sitting watching TV, good programme about mental health on. Have enjoyed this weekend with Thomas, has been good to have the company. Got a fairly busy week with various work related meetings / projects and my Grandmas coming too which should be nice, think she's staying here during her stay.

So for now just sitting writing this and watching TV with Thomas, update tomorrow.

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