Wednesday 25 March 2015

Wednesday 25th March 2015

Today has been a good day, busy but good.

Woke up this morning had a bit of a laze around in bed then up and answered my emails / went through social media, theres quite alot happening on that just now. Did some work till lunchtime then went out to the local park as a sunny day, reading my book and made some phone calls about a new job, got an interview on Friday with my old company in support work, Im looking forward to it, should be fun. I don't really mind what job I get but I want one I will enjoy and I know I will enjoy the care / support work, so keen to get interviews ASAP and get the ball rolling.

This afternoon I had a visit from the property solicitors taking photos of the flat ahead of leasing / sale, I decided to offer the room to Matt who I met the other day, seems like a nice guy so should be fun. Good decision and it means I can stay here rather than move out which is fine.

After that was working on my book promotion, I got a really interesting email from a company who work in crowd funding, basically they will try to find funding for me to get the book published and promoted, this is expensive and I don't have the money for it right now, however if I can get a company to fund / donate to the project I will then have the capital / money to get it published, then once it starts selling I will make royalties / money out of it which will be nice, I will use the money / funding I get to invest into the project and get it going.

This evening I went to the pub and watched the Scotland football game with my Dad, then home for tea, curry was nice. Now sitting writing this, productive day and got a few jobs done which have been pressing for a while. Im hoping to get some funding nailed down for my book soon which will start to make things happen there, which will be exciting. Also looking forward to getting back to work after some time out and see how that goes. a good day and will update tomorrow.

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