Wednesday 4 March 2015

Wednesday 4th March 2015

So here I am starting my new daily diary / blog using Google's Blogger software, which I have used before and enjoy using as it's simple to use. Basically a place to put my daily ramblings / updates and thoughts on my day overall.

Today has been positive, I woke up late (again) to various messages / requests on my phone, which I answered in bed one by one to start the day. This ranges from Twitter follower requests to personal messages / emails covering various things, at the moment a lot seems to be centred around my flat, which is an ongoing project of over five years and one me and my brother have put a lot into, I think at the moment there are just a few outstanding financial things to be sorted out which hopefully we can figure out soon, Matthew seems to worry a lot about it but I think it will just sort itself out in time. I am considering moving / buying my own property this year, once things settle down with my new job etc. I know what kind of place I would like, but at the moment happy enough where I am and no need for a change but one for the future.

I went to the doctor today to try and get my sick note which I need to give to the job centre people to get my backdated benefit payments from November last year, despite requesting this last week they still haven't done it, bit frustrating but they said they should have it tomorrow. Then I need to phone the people back and get the sick note faxed to them so I can get my money ASAP. I'm currently in the minus financially for the first time in my life, I have an overdraft so its fine but would like to get back into the positive ASAP, my plan for this is to get my ESA payments soon and also sell a few items e.g.. my old iPad / iPhone, to get some money in the bank. Also bearing in mind I'll be starting my new job soon so I'll get money there eventually, not sure when Im starting there but I put in the paperwork for it yesterday so hopefully soon.

After that I met my sister in town to get a few things sorted out, then home to work on my book, I have heard back from a publisher who turned it down unfortunately, however I have a backup plan, which involves self publishing in digital formats for a start, as I don't have the money just now to pay for print costs / publishing fees (I have some quotes for the cost of these). I would like my books to be in hard copy eventually, however for now I think digital is fine. I was experimenting with a few different online publishing tools this afternoon such as CreateSpace and Lulu, but found there to be hold ups / frustrating to use at times. I think Lulu look like a good one but then I found out about Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, which I signed up to and managed to get the book onto quickly. I am interested to see how this goes in the near future, and am keen to see if it works sales wise. Im not too fussed about the money from the books, but it would be nice. A good starting point and see where it goes from there.

Was going to go to my sound yoga class tonight but it was cancelled so home to watch the football instead and read, I'm currently reading A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking, a book Ive wanted to read for a while, it's good so far. Then decided to watch a documentary on bipolar disorder on Channel 4, it was really interesting. Now sitting typing this, glad to have started it and I plan on putting in daily entries. Overall a fairly busy day but feel I made some good progress with a few things book wise which was good. Just off to read some more now and go to bed soon.

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