Monday 16 March 2015

Monday 16th March 2015

Today has been fine, quite a lazy day with not much to report.

Snoozed off and on till after lunchtime, must have been tired last night. Spent the early afternoon in bed working on my laptop answering emails / messages and promoting my book online, this is ongoing work and chipping away at it as I can.

Today I decided to read a new ebook I downloaded onto my Kindle called Attract Money Now, its supposed to help you attract more money into your life. Ive read most of it today, it was good, giving me ideas for different income streams, and using objects in my life for financial benefit. Im not obsessed with money but like anyone am keen to get as much as I can, as this will help with future plans, for example travelling and seeing the world, something I am always keen to do.

I came up with some ideas from the book Im going to work on and have already started, one is my ebook Feet Up Therapy that Im hoping to make money out of through royalties on, I need to do more work on the promotion of it though, something Im working on on a daily basis. Also Im looking at how I can use my writing skills online for more financial benefit, looks like blogs and article / feature writing is a good one to look at, something Im going to do in the coming days and months.

Im also looking at using my cat Millie to get some extra income, I entered her into some animal modelling websites today, she is a good looking cat so Im hoping this will work out. Just a bit of fun for now but hopefully it will turn into something profitable. The book made some good points about thinking like an entrepreneur, and using whatever assets you've got to your advantage money wise, so Ive got some ideas for this for the future.

Tonight Ive just been reading and went out for a bit of dinner, got a free day tomorrow so going to work on my writing / book promotion during the day and got a busy evening tomorrow night with a coffee date and my Dad coming. Will update then.

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