Sunday 8 March 2015

Sunday 8th March 2015

Today has been good, quite a lazy day but feel like got some good work done amongst other things.

Lazed around this morning as a Sunday, didn't really feel like getting out of bed till quite late so just stayed in bed till about 2pm, then up and into town to do a few odd jobs and also went to the cinema, good film. Im enjoying my unlimited cinema pass, I think its good for a creative person like me to go and see different films, I am a very visual person so enjoy the spectacle of the cinema, and the card saves me money as I can go whenever I want as its unlimited.

Home had tea then working on book promotion, I did some research and read some articles online about how to best promote Kindle ebooks, a lot of it to do with social media including Facebook ebook pages, Twitter accounts etc. Also recommended signing up with Kindle Select, so I did that today too. Im hoping my promotion will encourage sales and downloads of the book, and give me some extra income in the future too. For now though Im happy to be learning from the project and just seeing how things go with it, and if it makes me money in the future all the better.

Also tonight watched some football on TV amongst other things, football is something Id like to develop my skills in this year, Im currently looking for a team in Aberdeen I can train with and get a game with on a regular basis, at an amateur level with a view to higher in the future. I did find a team who train on a Thursday evening here, so am planning on going to train with them this week and see how that goes. I think physical exercise is good for mental health and general wellbeing, and being part of a team is something Id enjoy too. I have trained with a couple of local teams this year but nothing concrete yet but Im sure Ill find something soon.

This week Im hoping to hear back from my new job as to when I will be starting, and am planning on getting my head down and working hard on the book promotion online. Im thinking of putting together a social media marketing plan using a book Ive got called Social Networking for Rookies, and following this through. I think it would be good to have some objectives / specific targets for sales figures rather than a haphazard approach, that I can then build my promotion towards.

So for now Im just writing this and am going to read some more of my Autobiography of a Yogi book , its good so far. Will update again tomorrow.

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