Monday 23 March 2015

Monday 23rd March 2015

Today has been a busy but good day overall.

Got up this morning and phoned the solicitors then went in to see them, had paperwork to fill in for the flat leasing, did that this afternoon. Think its the best option of them to do it for us, I do have a room viewing tomorrow but still keen on leasing the whole flat and moving out as good financial sense to do that for me and Matthew, but will see what happens. Not a big deal either way but I do fancy a change of scenery soon, will see.

Went into the shops this afternoon and read some of my book in the book shop, then home and to the park as a nice afternoon. Sun went away so came home and spent a nice afternoon in bed working on applying for jobs, found some good ones in mental health support work that Im quite keen on, some of them are good with pay weekly incentives which would be nice. The job Im seeing as primary income / pay the bills, with my freelance marketing / writing and books as side income / bonus. Although it depends on how well I get on with the freelance, I have done a lot of work today in pitching for projects, I found a good website on writing for online blogs which I entered a few pitches for, Im confident Ill get something out of these. I think I would enjoy writing for other peoples blogs rather than just my own, and hopefully make some money out of it too.

This evening Ive been reading, applying for more jobs and I made my latest YouTube video, which I always enjoy, think its quite funny to see yourself in a video, but good to give an update on what I've been up to and hopefully get some views out of it. Also been working on advertising my freelance marketing services online, feel like Ive done a lot of pitching / applying for work the last few days, so surely results will start to come this week, Im confident Ill have some solid work lined up by the end of the week and hopefully profitable, I feel like my efforts in applying for the jobs and work deserves a good financial result, I think the material Ive been reading lately about how to make money and grow your finances is starting to pay off, Ive made some good contacts in the last few days and Im sure these will lead to financial reward. So going to lay off the applications in the coming days and wait and see what comes back, my two goals at the moment are getting a new job that I will enjoy and growing my freelance marketing / writing business, so Im sure the work Ive put in recently will pay off in the coming weeks.

Tomorrow Ive got a few appointments during the day and then my Dad is coming for the night, him and Mum frustrated me today a bit, don't like the way he talks to me sometimes saying things aren't going well / they're worried about me, told him so today. Im not an angry person but I can speak up for myself if I need to, told him to stop worrying about me and focus on himself / his home life as I can look after myself quite happily.

So for now just writing this and watching TV, going to read some of my book and go to bed soon. Will update tomorrow.

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