Thursday 26 March 2015

Thursday 26th March 2015

Today has been fine, bit of a lazy day not much going on but fine.

Woke up early this morning answered some messages then fell asleep again till around lunchtime, woke up did some work on laptop made some phone calls about jobs then snoozed again till early afternoon, then did some work on my laptop and promoting my book online. Looking at the reports for downloads I haven't had that many downloads of it, maybe 100, but I need to do more work promoting it then hopefully more will come, Im working on a plan for this.

This afternoon I went to the gym / for a swim, always nice, then to the book shop to have a browse / read some of a Paul McKenna book called I Can Make You Rich, looked good had a short read of it, was thinking of buying it but I have other books to read just now first, my policy at the moment is to read the ones Ive got then buy more. Once my plans to make a bit of money come true, hopefully within the next few weeks, then I am going to buy a new Amazon Kindle and get a nice case for it, and read a bit on that rather than buying books, although I do like paper / hardbacks.

Got home from town made some dinner and answered some emails / tweets, making good contacts through Twitter lately, hoping to use it to get the funding I need to get my book published and marketed. I also applied for Dragons Den with my book ideas, Im quietly confident my idea will get accepted for this, although I know it will be very competitive to get onto the show. It would be good though and may give my project some publicity which would be good. Ive been happlly enough doing my own marketing / promotion for now but in future I would like some support, to make the project as big as I want it to be, this will involve working with other business people / businesses to get the project going on a bigger scale.

Tonight Im just watching the football on TV and writing this, got a busy day tomorrow with my friend Thomas coming and a job interview, so will be out and about with Thomas tomorrow during the day and probably a few drinks at night. Will update over the weekend depending on how much free time I have.

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