Monday 9 March 2015

Monday 9th March 2015

Today has been a good day. Woke up early this morning was going to get up and do some work but instead snoozed till lunchtime, stayed in bed till about 2pm working on laptop / phone. Dad came round for a while, had a cup of tea with him and discussed the new flat idea, went through a few properties on the website and discussed them in more detail. Tomorrow Ive got a meeting with the solicitors and also several flat viewings which Im looking forward to, four in total at the moment, three viewings tomorrow. I am looking for a 1 or 2 bedroom property with car parking facilities and a garden too, there are a few online that have these that I am interested in and am going to look at tomorrow and Wednesday. I imagine things will move fairly quickly once I view some and make a decision, and will then look at putting some offers in for the one I like the best. Its good that we've come to a decision on our current flat, and it is the right time to move on now for both of us.

After that went for a run with the people from my old work, good to see them always and it was a good laugh, working towards the 10k run in May, also keeping fitness going for football reasons. I enjoy running and fitness work, and think it is important to keep healthy physically and mentally. Home from the run watched the football on TV and chilled out, doing a bit of work this evening.

Tonight I did some work on my book promotion, creating promotional artwork for my Facebook and Twitter pages, and posting some tweets too. I also updated the books script slightly and reuploaded it onto Amazon as I had noticed a couple of minor grammatical errors. I think my decision to register with Amazon Select is paying off, as I noticed the downloads of the book had increased today, my friend Kevin told me he had downloaded it too. Im anticipating further growth in downloads over the coming weeks, with the first months worth being for free but hopefully after that Ill make some money out of it, once awareness and publicity of the book has started growing online. Im still going to put more into the social media promotion for it though, and am planning on working on this in the coming days and weeks time allowing.

Im reasonably confident about the sales / downloads of the book, as I have been told by several people it is a good idea. I think it will grow over time, however for now I am just happy for it to be published online and to have a platform I can advertise / promote. With more marketing effort this will grow, and hopefully download figures will increase, I'm enjoying logging in to the reports area of the Kindle Direct store, where the download figures can be seen in more detail along with royalties made, for now this is zero for me but in time it will be profitable I'm sure.

So for now Im just sitting typing this up, busy day tomorrow viewing properties and meetings with the solicitors. Will update tomorrow evening.

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