Friday 13 March 2015

Friday 13th March 2015

Today has been OK, quite lazy though.

Must have been tired after football last night because I slept into the afternoon today, woke up and did some work on my laptop in bed, promoting the book and answering emails / messages online. I did some research into places to promote ebooks online and spent some time this afternoon working on that, posting the book link to places on Facebook and Twitter, looks like got a response out of it, with some more downloads appearing over the course of the afternoon. I think I need to put as much effort as I can into promoting the book while its during its free download period, and encourage sharing as much as possible. Im sure I can get more downloads than I currently have, and am planning on looking into this more in the coming days and weeks with a view to stronger online promotion.

This evening I went to the football, Aberdeen won 2-1 which was good, not a great game but we got the result which was the main thing. Ive got a game tomorrow which Im looking forward to, looks like an interesting project and one Im keen to get involved with. Im signing as a trialist with a local amateur team, with a view to signing permanently. This should be a bit of fun if anything, and is more recreational than anything else. Something good to do on a Saturday though and Im looking forward to it.

Also tonight got some enquiries about the flat room, Im keen to get this sorted ASAP, got someone coming to see it tomorrow evening which is good, Im not fussy about who takes it as Im a friendly person and get on with most people. Ideally a male but not too fussed if female either.

So for now just sitting writing this and watching some TV, going to have a quiet night ahead of football tomorrow. A fairly busy day tomorrow so Ill update this tomorrow evening.

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