Friday 20 March 2015

Friday 20th March 2015

Today has been a good day overall.

Woke up around lunchtime, had some lunch and did some work in bed for a while then got up and went out to get a hair cut and to the boo shop to do some work, promoting my freelance writing services and projects. Also sat down and did some financial planning, always good, figuring out what my current financial assets are and what I currently owe / am owed by people, looks about right on balance, I do have some bills to pay at the moment but need to get the money to pay for them, working on it. Had a good discussion with Matthew about the flat today too, we have agreed to sell the property possibly this year, but for now we need to get the place rented out, so Im going to the solicitors tomorrow to discuss it with them. I think this will mean I will have to move out into my own place, but this is fine with me.

My idea is that we rent the whole flat out for e.g. £1300 per month, the mortgage comes down to approximately £500 a month, and me and Matthew are left with around £800 a month profit each month between us. I think overall it seems to make more financial sense to to move out and rent a small property, and use this flat as a renting investment for us long term, Im sure it will figure itself out one way or another in the coming days and weeks though. For now the priority is to get Antonios room rented out, or rent the whole property and I will find somewhere else to live. I have done some research online this week and have sent a few emails out so will see what comes back.

Tonight Ive been watching TV and reading my book Money and The Law of Attraction, its good and makes a lot of sense. Im also reading a Kindle ebook called Attract Money Now, currently something Im interested in to see if it works. I think it is something that won't happen right away but in time a plan will come together in my mind, this is where the financial planning was useful today, figuring out income streams / ideas, assets and money sources etc.

I was thinking of going out tonight but Im not too fussed now, happy enough watching TV and reading my books. Maybe a sign of older age! I do enjoy going out but sometimes nice to chill out in the house too. Im not a massive drinker in general anyway and always glad to save the money / hangover. Was hoping to play football tomorrow but cancelled, so need to look for a team again, Ive sent out some messages to potential managers though so will see. Feel like Ive got enough on at the moment and football is secondary, so will settle for watching it on TV for now. Will update tomorrow.

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