Thursday 5 March 2015

Thursday 5th March 2015

Today has been a good day! More progress with the book amongst other things, pleased to get a few things sorted out at last. Snoozed off and on till lunchtime then got up and went to the doctors to get my sick note, got it and took it into the job centre people who said they'll sort it from here. Relief to finally get that sorted just need the money now, going to phone the ESA people tomorrow to chase it up.

Went for a swim after that, always nice, love the jacuzzi too, very therapeutic. Home and working on my book, redesigned the front cover, happy enough with it for now but it could change in the future. I got an email from Amazon this morning saying my book has been put onto the Kindle store, this was exciting and a good start to the day today. Going to keep an eye on book sales online and see how it's going, I'm expecting a slow start but will have to see, any downloads are good for me though, just happy to have it published on the store. I've given Amazon exclusive rights to the book for 90 days, so am just going to forget about it for now and see how things go on there.

Also today Ive been updating my website with the latest developments on the book front, updating the books page of the site and my social media which never seems to stop at the moment, Twitter in particular is very busy with lots of new followers on a daily basis, I try to keep up with it but it can be hard, considering a new plan for it, currently in a responsive state to it but would like a more structured approach to build up the following online, something for the future.

Tonight I went out to the shops nearby to look at Kindles / e readers, the Kindle Fire looks good but then I remembered Ive got my old iPad which Im thinking of selling but might keep and use as an e reader device, alternatively Im thinking of selling my Apple stuff and downsizing to PC / Kindle to save some money, but will see how things go. I like the Kindle Fire as a device but also really like the Apple products and I have my iPhone / Mac laptop so might be good to keep things the same. I do like the fact the Kindle is a specific reading device, but the iPad has pretty good reading facilities too and I can install the Kindle app onto it if I want to.

Other than that Ive just been continuing to read A Brief History Of Time this evening, a good book, a bit complicated at times but overall an easy read. Also watching a bit of TV / film to relax. Just going to read some more and will update the blog tomorrow.

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