Friday 27 March 2015

Friday 27th March 2015

Today has been a fun day.

Woke up this morning excited to see my friend Thomas, got up early this morning and went to meet him off the boat, good to see him. Went to sell my old phone then home for a cup of coffee and a catchup, always enjoy seeing people from the hospital where I spent some time last year.

This morning I had an interview about a new job, with my old company funnily enough, but was happy enough to have the interview and think it went well. I think I have a lot to offer a care company like Inspire, and Im keen to get back to work so I can help out where I can, hopefully scope for career progression there too. A different line of work but I have experience of care work from the past so should work out OK.

Home went to the park played a bit of football and sat in the nice weather then home and chilled out with Millie my cat, Thomas was out came back had some dinner then started having a few drinks, Thomas got tired so has gone to bed, so just siting writing this now, planning on drinking in the house then going out later on, looking forward to it as haven't been out for a couple of weeks.

Today I got some good links on the book front, a company who promote ebooks replied saying they really liked it and were keen to promote it which was good, had a few tweets / emails from crowd funding companies too. Im keen to push on with the drive for funding in the coming weeks, I know how much money I need just need to find it then that will set the wheels in motion.

So overall today a busy day for different reasons, feel like this weeks gone by really fast, but think Ive made some good progress and contacts with potential funders for my book / getting back to work. Also found out today my new flatmate can't take the room anymore so having to readvertise it, hopefully get someone soon, Ive advertised it but if no response soon will have to go back to the solicitors for help. Will update tomorrow.

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