Saturday 7 March 2015

Saturday 7th March 2015

Today has been a good day if not quite a lazy one! Stayed in bed till after lunchtime, no real reason to get up so just rolled around until I wanted to get up around 2pm, answered various messages / emails and Twitter notifications. Got up went into property solicitors to make an appointment about getting my own property, got an appointment on Tuesday morning which is exciting and Im looking forward to discussing my options with them. This is not an urgent thing but something Id like to look at this year I think.

Then went into shops to try and get my iPad sold, had to go into the Apple shop to get it sorted out, never ceases to amaze me what they can do in that shop, the service is brilliant and so fast, had the iPad sorted in no time which was good. Going back to the shop tomorrow to get cash for it, it is a good device but I never use it now Ive got my Mac laptop and larger iPhone. Would have been handy to keep it for e reading etc but oh well, I prefer paper books anyway mainly.

Home cooked tea then not much of an evening, just watching the football on TV and reading a new book called Autobiography of a Yogi, supposed to be good so Im looking forward to it, I finished A Brief History of Time last night it was very good and surprisingly easy to read I thought not too complicated. Im planning on building my library of books this year but Ive got a few to get through for now s focusing on them before I buy any more.

So other than that a pretty chilled out day, just doing bits and pieces on the book promotion, I had planned on doing some social media marketing planning for it today but didn't have time, might do it tomorrow. Ive got a book that explains about social networking so Im going to have a look through that to help with the advertising, as Im planning on focussing the promotion on social media, mainly Facebook and Twitter. Now Ive got the book on the Kindle store with a specific web page I can link to it from all my social media accounts, so need to drive traffic to it and create awareness of the book to encourage sales of it. I think this is possible through social media particularly Twitter, but need to do some more research to fully be able to make the best out of it.

So for now just typing this, going to read some more watch a but of telly and chill out, no particular plans tomorrow so see what happens. Will update then.

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