Saturday 21 March 2015

Saturday 21st March 2015

Today has been productive and fairly busy with some good contacts made.

Woke up this morning and went to the solicitors to ask about leasing the flat, they said they would phone back on Monday. Should hopefully be a fairly straightforward process and hassle free, think its the best option for me and Matthew financially just now so glad to move that forward.

Came home to some post which had to work through, sorting out my tax return for last year as Id made a mistake on it, and found out theres been a problem with a job Id been offered recently with the references, so I spent most of today applying for new jobs, in various sectors / types, from care work which I used to do through to mental health support work / PR / marketing and communications. Im confident Ill get something lined up early next week, the care work in particular is a given I think, some had good perks with training / cash to welcome you / quick start schemes etc which Id be keen on as Im keen to get back to work ASAP. Some of the marketing jobs I applied for were start ASAP too, so I applied for some of those. I don't really mind what kind of job I get, but I applied for quite a lot today so Im sure Ill get something soon.

Nice afternoon today so went to the park and played some football in between applying for jobs, I like the park near my flat and always enjoy spending time there and always enjoy spending time in the sunshine. Looks like the weathers getting better now, hopefully a good summer ahead and nice weather to enjoy.

Today I also made a good local business contact called Ross from a company called The Wishing Tree, basically a business promotion network / community interest company, they work in terms of promoting business "wishes" and granting them. I agreed to do some work with them in return for promotion of my business and freelance writing / marketing projects, it involves donating my beloved MacBook Air but hey ho, if it means I get a lot of interest in my writing and authoring work then Im happy to do that. Im looking forward to working with some local business people, Ross sounded keen to get me involved as he thought my work with mental health books was positive and useful, good to hear the feedback. Ive got a meeting arranged soon and also speaking at a local business event which I always enjoy too.

So overall a busy but productive day on the work front, hoping to get something solid out of my applications etc early next week, sure Ill get some phone calls and emails back then, so until then just going to continue applying as and when and working on my book. Next week I need to figure out a plan for getting more money in, although I have sorted out a few things today that should help with this, and the flat will provide income once we lease it out too. Will update tomorrow.

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