Friday 6 March 2015

Friday 5th March 2014

Today has again been busy but a good day overall. Got up this morning for my hospital appointment, with Pauline, its always nice to catch up with her and go back to the hospital where I spent some time last year and also this, its a wonderful place where some great work is done. My appointments now are just catch ups but still nice to go back and chat to the staff.

Got home made a call to the benefits people, they confirmed Ill be getting paid next week, this is a relief and good to get that sorted out as it should cover me for the next financial month until I start my new job and will get paid then too. Then off to cinema, Ive got an unlimited card so Im trying to use it as much as I can to get the moneys worth out of it, saw a good film about a robot called Chappie, it was good.

Home from cinema just put my feet up and chilled out for a while till tea, nothing major going on, had dinner then was planning going out to the cinema again but my brother came round, had a few things to discuss with him about the flat, Ive decided and he agreed we should consider selling the flat we have this year, then I will buy my own property and we will both get money back and be able to move on from it. We have put a lot into this flat over five years so it will be sad to leave it but I feel the time is right to look at a fresh start, Im looking forward to viewing properties soon and getting an idea for what I would like myself, I definitely want a flat with a garden if possible so I can play football / enjoy the sunshine from the comfort of my own home. I like the flat we have just now but would like to move into my own place that I can call my own and do with it what I like.

Went to the cinema again afterwards, saw another good film, now home sitting writing this and going to just relax tonight with the telly on and read a book. Im planning on having a quiet weekend got a few things to do with the flat so going to do that.

Not much to say about the book writing today, showed my brother it on the Amazon store he was impressed, he said to try and get as much publicity as possible for it maybe by using Twitter / social media, to encourage sales. I agree and I need to put together a more structured plan for this, something for the weekend maybe. I think having a plan in place will allow me to target the promotion, rather than just doing it on an ad hoc / responsive basis as is currently happening, however to be fair I have been busy writing the book and getting it published online. So now I can focus on driving promotion to the Kindle store page in the future and trying to generate sales out of it.

So overall a busy day, no definite plans so going to take it as it comes. Will update tomorrow.

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